Building an Awesome Website without Code

Do you want an awesome website for your business that you are in complete control of? Do you want to do it yourself and know how easy the process is? If so, this course is for you! I’m here for you every step of the way and will personally assist you with any part of the process when you need it!

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Sam Williams

My name is Sam Williams, and I’ll be your instructor. I’ve been building websites since 2009, and I’ve been growing my social media with my photography since 2018. I’ll walk you through every step to make your very own professional website without code.

What you’ll learn

  • You'll learn all the extra steps required for building a professional website. We'll go through setting up tracking activity, connecting to Meta (Facebook), and ways to track specific user activities.

  • We'll go through how to configure your website with the style that best matches your brand, or your client's look and feel. We'll go through all of the options available for you to fully customize your website.

  • We'll discuss what basic content you want to add and walk through adding, editing, and managing pages. We'll also setup a shop so you can see how you can sell products and services on your site.

Website Portfolio

Here are websites that I have created to give you an example of what you can do.

Course FAQ

  • Yes, this is the same process I go through when building a website for a client; with this knowledge you can build websites for others for a fee.

  • Typical website companies who create an entire site for someone charge anywhere between $2,500 and $12,500.

  • You can join our community plan or get our 1-on-1 plan to have access to help. If you choose the 1-on-1 plan, you will have your website completed extremely fast (within 1-2 weeks)!